As fans of BBC’s This Farming Life will already know two of its (human) stars, Penny and Robin Calvert are leaving their croft at Reidchalmai, Rogart and heading on a new adventure. The multi-talented couple have been stalwarts of Rogart Heritage for many years and their departure will leave a big gap.
In recent years Penny has been repeatedly voted in as our Chairlady and so we need to hold a meeting to find a new person who is willing to stand for that position. The new Chair will be ably supported by a Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Chair.
If you’re interested in becoming part of ‘The Heritage’ – even if you’re not sure if you are yet ready to stand for office – please come along to a short meeting on Friday 17 November at 7.30pm. The evening will then continue with traditional music from our friends across East Sutherland.
We are sure that many in the community will sorely miss Penny and Robin but we wish them the very best in the exciting new adventure ahead of them.
Photo: Daniel Taylor
Sorry to see that Penny and Robin have given, it must be hard work,I knew back in the 70″s. Do they have a new contact address please etc
Anthons D Smith