We hope you will be able to join us for our next meeting which will start with a brief AGM, followed by a slideshow of some amazing photographs we have recently had donated. There will be refreshments and a raffle, with music to end the evening.
Everyone is welcome to come along and we will happily accept contributions to the tea and raffle prizes!
We hope some of these photographs will be published on line for those of us who will not be able to attend. Hopefully.
We will be using them in our daily Facebook posts and adding them, where we can, to existing website pages and adding new pages (for example our new page on farm machinery). I’m afraid we just don’t have the capacity on the website to post the whole PowerPoint presentation, and the size limit for individual photos is 2MB. Having said all that, we will endeavour to find another way of sharing the images so that you can see them. Christina
Sounds like a very interesting meeting. I have really appreciated the photos that Christina has provided to me. It was a pleasure to identify the photos of my aunts, etc. from the 1920s in Canada. They had deep emotional roots in Rogart.
Thank you Bill, I have more to send you!