On 25 April 1917 Corporal Donald Munro, Rhine died from his injuries in France.
He was a son of the late James Munro and Mary Ann Cameron.
The Unit War Diary for 9 April 1917 briefly describes the incident
“Arrival at the Blue Line (Railway Embankment) Enemy’s barrage fire being only desultory, and only two men were wounded by shell fire and only slightly. Casualties 2Lt JR Macintosh-Walker slightly wounded (remained on duty), 1 OR [other ranks] killed and 60 OR wounded.”
A report in Northern Times dated 10 May 1917 reported his death:
“We have again to record the loss of another of our brave sons in the person of Private Donald Munro, Rhian, Rogart.
Donnie, as he was more familiarly and affectionately known, was only 28 years of age. When only a boy of 16, he joined a regiment of the Seaforths and was transferred later to another regiment of the Seaforths (serial number 9280). He held clasps and medals for the Indian Campaign.
On the outbreak of war he immediately joined up and formed one of the original Expeditionary Force and went through all the hard fighting from Mons to the Marne and back to Ypres where he was gassed in July 1915.
He was home for a short furlough and on reporting fit, went back to the firing line. He passed through the fierce fighting at Loos and took part in the advance on the Somme where he was wounded and was sent home for a short time.
He again returned to the firing line and took part in the last great advance and was seriously wounded on 11th April and finally succumbed to his injuries on the 25th April.
A letter from the Chaplain gave hopes of his ultimate recovery but it was ordained otherwise. He was a young man of pleasant manners with a smile for everyone and was highly respected and a general favourite with all. The genuine sympathy of the community goes out to his widowed mother and sisters and brothers in their sore bereavement.”