1910 Election poster
Council election time, speeches and the results – Pat Sangster Rovie brings curios – Miss Campbell brings whiskey measure and the connection to Aberscross – baby Agnes has arrived and a christening is arranged – parliamentary election time – Willie Mcintosh is to give up Coul croft, buys his mill – Miss Rhilochan (cook) gives curios – fishing tragedy at Kirtomy on north coast – thrashing corn with flail is hard work – baby Agnes is baptised- bad rail accident in south – keeps R Mckay the tailor busy – Grand Hotel in Brora burned down.
Thursday 1/12/1910. Attendance good; usual work. Frosty day.
Wrote: Mr Gardner re receipt of books. Mr Coats to thank him. E Campbell; packet to Jessie; Mr Macrone.
Friday 2/12/1910. Frosty, roads slippery. Attendance good, usual school work.
Began a new song – Gaelic “Ged tha mi gun chrodh.” (Though I am without cows.)
Wrote; A Murray; re coming of book case and books for West Langwell Side School (Coats gift.)
Mr Andrews re planes.
Surveyor of Taxes Wick, re claim of payment from income tax.
Saturday 3/12/1910. School scrubbed today. Thrashed 28 sheaves of corn.
Mrs Mckenzie called with jar of 12 pounds of butter from Miss Murray Morness. Paid her 14/, being ½ per pound.
She asked back in the meantime the old weights she gave me, as some missed it, but that later I could have it again.
Went to Farquhar with my watch, but he was not at home. Called on Mrs McIntosh. Gave her a present of honey.
- Got 2/6 from Gardner for cartage of bookcase.
- Note from J Campbell.
- Note from Eric that Jess got 2/ Old Age Pension.
Wrote Chequer re vice.
Pictorial to M Campbell. To J Campbell.
At 7.30 pm Mr Sangster’s meeting for County Councillorship for Rogart. I was made Chairman (D Sutherland and Mr Murray Acheilleach,) and this was unexpected. Made remarks as follows.
Gentlemen: I thank you for the honour you have conferred on me; it is however an honour I do not covet, as I have not been taking an active interest in the administrative affairs of the parish or of the county, However, I know this much, that there are to be 3 elections soon, and consequently the atmosphere is highly charged. (Not with electricity but electioneering.) You know that two have come forward to offer themselves as candidates to represent you as County Councillors. We have one of these present here. Mr Sangster has asked you to come here in order that he might give you his views, and ask that you might give him your votes. Both the gentlemen in question are well known to you. As the time is limited, I have pleasure of asking Mr Sangster to address you.
Gentlemen; you have heard Mr Sangster expressing his views in a very explicit and altogether satisfactory manner. As to whether his views are acceptable to you or the reverse, it is for you to judge. I do not mean to say anything complimentary or disparaging to either of the candidates. I am sure Mr Sangster will be very pleased to answer any questions.
No questions. Then a vote of Thanks to Chairman etc.
At Drill Hall. Marquis of Stafford and his mother addressed those present. No questions.
Sabbath 4/12/1910.
A cold day with East Wind. Eckie and I at church; an elderly minister preached; said to be Mr McDonald.
Monday 5/12/1910. (Page 236).
A very dull day. Mr McCaulay and constable (Montgomery) up sorting school for election tomorrow.
2/10 to Dr Simpson. £2 to D Campbell. £1 to Mennie.
Soup Kitchen Balance Sheet to Watson; re venison. Also, to Lady Albert Leveson-Gower.
Tuesday 6/12/1910.
A mild day, with some rain in the afternoon. No school owing to the Parish Council election being in this school.
County Council – Mr Lindsay. Mr Sangster.
Parish Council – W Grant- K McKenzie- D Sutherland – Alex Murray – Robert Matheson – Alex Innes –Rev Colin McDonald – D Campbell – Adam Murray – D Sutherland – George Murray.
Mr W McCaulay and J Sutherland Argos absent. Constable Thomson present.
Wrote George Whyte (a) if Jessie got other assistance when getting 1/6 and last year when got 2/. (b) If he would inquire
Wednesday 7/12/1910.
A nice calm and mild morning. Sent vaccination form filled up to Registrar- per N McKay in the morning.
Attendance good; usual school work. Got 2/6 from Mr Gardner Paisley; also a book on “Prehistoric Remains in Caithness,” as a present from Mr Coats.
Results of election-
Rev C McDonald St Callans 103.
Don Sutherland Pitfure 98.
Adam Murray Morness 90.
Don Campbell 86.
Alex Innes 84.
George Murray 76.
Kenneth McKenzie 69.
Alex Murray 65.
Robert Matheson 64.
William Grant 59.
Donald Sutherland Inscape 57.
County Council – Mr Andrew Lindsay 82.- Mr Sangster 69.
At night Marion Murray down. Baby’s arm inflamed and bothering her a good deal today and this evening.
Thursday 8/12/1910.
A dull day; attendance fairly good.
Wrote Clerk of School Board re pupil’s not taking advantage of Supplementary Class Art 2 G 111.
Wrote re Alex Gordon being absent. – Gardner re 2/6 and Prehistoric Caithness.
Pat Sangster brought me a stone evidently used for crushing corn etc, and is much worn at one end. The boy says that it was in the window of the barn at one time, (Rovie farm,) and that he asked his father’s permission to take it up to me.
Friday 9/12/1910.
Day very dull.
Wrote Barbe re boomerang, old iron lamp, native club.
Do Spiers and Pond; 2/6 pipe, pouch, cycle oil.
Do Niebau, Surrey; re swords, guns and pistols.
Do Houldon, Doncaster; brass snuffer tray.
Do Timperley Essex; 8 prehistoric agate beads, flint impliments.
Day very dull. Miss Campbell Teacher brought me a large pewter whiskey measure, which her father got from Margaret Sutherland Tannachy. This whiskey measure was used for smuggling whiskey at Aberscross, a crofting township north of Morvich and from which the crofters were evicted.
Miss Campbell also took down an old croman once used for breaking clods on the land. Saw it used by Johan Morrison Balvoolich Durness. Gave Miss Campbell some honey as a present to herself and her father.
At night a large meeting in school. Mr Morton MP addressing electors. Very good meeting.
Saturday 10/12/1910.
A dull day, wet in the morning. Did a week’s thrashing with the flail. Mended the pewter flagon.
Up at Eppie’s and gave her1-pound section of honey. She said she was to give baby a chair that was over 100 years old. It was the chair of Mathair Andrew Ruaidh Reling.
Called at Marions. Bella came home last night (unwell) from Edinburgh.
Got letter from G Whyte. – Note from chequer that vice sent on.
Sabbath 11/12/1910.
A very wet day. Baby’s arm are getting better. She was bothered very much for over a week with the vaccination.
Monday 12/12/1910.
Attendance good; usual school work. Day very fresh and mild.
Wrote: Secretary Local Government Board for Scotland, 125 George Street Edinburgh re J Carr. – Maggie Mckay.- Paper to Mary.- J Pyle Norwich: offer 2/6 for 2 match planes and 2 files.
At night Mr McMillan called re baptising baby, and we arranged for next week; he to drop a note as to the evening.
Tuesday 13/12/1910.
A very mild day. Attendance good, usual school work.
Sent my silver watch to F McDonald (per D McAngus) to get repaired.
This morning- Miss Campbell gave me a snuff mull- spiral and old. So my collection has got some very good additions recently. At night, Miss Campbell Teacher in seeing my collection of curios.
Got from Mr Temperley London 8 prehistoric agate beads. (There follows an entry in Greek.) They were found near Hamden Hill. Somerset and a London dealer acquired the lot. Samples were accepted by the British Museum and South Kensington, and Mr Temperley 66 Marney Road. Clapham Common, London SW had to buy a string of 50 in order to obtain specimens, and as this is more than he required. He is selling.
Wednesday 14/12/1910.
A mild day. Attendance good, usual school work.
Sent to H Houldon. Owston Ferry Doncaster, 3/6 for 2 brass trays for snuffers.
Sent paper to M Campbell Barra, re snuff horn.
Got acknowledgement from Secretary Board of Trade.
Meeting of Parish Council, first meeting of new Council.
Adam Murray called re his old mill, for which he asks £5.
Thursday 15/12/1910.
A very mild day. Attendance good, usual school work.
A Murray’s cart took up the Coats bookcase and maps for West Langwell.
Got tin of cycle oil Speirs and Pond.
Myself and W McIntosh Coul down voting at Pittentrail for the Parliamentary elections. Candidates Mr Morton (Liberal,) Marquis of Stafford, (Unionist.)
A fine moonlight night. Saw W Sutherland, who took me in etc. W McIntosh (Coul )speaking of his decision to put off his place. Spoke to him for his thrashing mill – that I would like to buy it, and he said that I could have it, and that he would reduce it a good bit from the cost price, which was £4/12.
Friday 16/12/1910.
Very mild day. Attendance good; usual school work.
Wrote J Campbell re McIntosh’s croft.
Do Bazaar: Advertisement for chucks, wood and drills.
Do B Hayes Larne: 4 razors on approval.
Do J Matheson Cnocarthur: snuff horn, gillie dubh, quern.
Got £1 for Soup Kitchen from Col Menzies.
Got pipe and tobacco pouch, which I gave to Miss Campbell to give as a present to her father.
At night myself and Eckie down at station. Paid 5/5 to Station Master for carriage of vice, which is 3 quarters 6 pounds in weight. Spoke to Willie Sutherland and John Sutherland Milton. Met Farquhar McDonald, who said that he would be on lookout for antiques for me.
Got 4 pictorials today from Mrs Ross.
Saturday 17/12/1910.
A good mild day, with some showers of rain in the morning. Cleaned in front of the byre and barrowed stuff to field and garden. Myself and Eckie thrashed corn – 24 sheaves.
Got 2 brass snuffer trays of very nice pattern and in perfect condition from J Houldon, Doncaster. Paid 3/6 for the two.
Miss Ross Rhilochan called and brought me two old snuff horns which her grandfather had. One of them is silver-mounted and has initials and name “Archibald Ross 1837”. The other has a copper lid with initials A.R. on lid. Gave her 4/, which she considered too much.
William Mckenzie took up one quarter barrel of salt herring from Station. (J Mclean,) and vice from E Chequers Chippenham. The vice is very heavy -90lbs. A file and bolt went through it.
Miss M Ross said that they had not got a ghillie dubh, but that there were two of them at Coul in W McIntoshes, so I’ll make inquiries re these.
Sent Forms Income Tax surveyor Wick, and Paper to Miss Campbell Brevig.
Sabbath 18/12/1910.
A fresh day but cold. Myself and Eckie at church.
Monday 19/12/1910.
A mild day, attendance good, usual school work.
Note from Mr McMillan that he baptise baby tomorrow, 7 pm.
Letters and books – Bronze and Iron age from Timperley.
Wrote J Houldon acknowledging trays etc.
Do Chequers re vice.
Do Spiers and Pond 3/6.
Do Adam Murray that mill would not suit me.
Do Clerk of school Board, with form for West Langwell re library Coats.
Tuesday 20/12/1910.
Returned “Bronze Age” to Timperley.
Wrote Charles Fox re plane etc, for which he asked 5, / offered 4/, and to send on approval.
Pictorial to M Campbell.
Received 4 ivory- handled razors of very good quality.
At 7 pm Mr McMillan baptised the baby. Present Mr and Mrs Ross Culdrain. Miss Mackay. Miss Murray the Park. Bella. Marion Murray and W McIntosh, Coul.
A fine night, a little frosty evidently.
A distressing accident took place at Kirtomy, North of Scotland, by which 5 lobster fishermen lost their lives.
Wednesday 21/12/1910.
Attendance good. Usual school work.
Parliamentary elections over; Liberal majority 126.
Sent 10/ to Horace Booty. Elmcroft. Hayes Lane, Bromley Common, London.
Wrote Thomas Campbell: pewter measure.
Miss Ellis, re Soup Kitchen.
Thursday 22/12/1910.
A fresh day, attendance good; usual school work.
Got a letter from J Campbell Brivard, that D and A McKenzie not inclined to take Coul; that D Campbell’s (his brother) wife gave birth to a son of 2 weeks.
An appalling mining disaster at Bolton.
Wrote to Pyle Norwich; five inch and three quarter inch match planes.
Do J Walker Wisbech; list and details re plane.
Do Miss A Mckay.
Friday 23/12/1910.
A dull day, with a strong wind in the afternoon. Attendance fairly good. Usual school work.
Got small cod from J Campbell Brivard.
Saturday 24/12/1910.
Very heavy showers of rain and snow.
Thrashed 27 sheaves with the flail. Then myself and Eckie went to Coul and had a ceilidh there. Dark on way home.
Hamie and Russell rejoiced over Christmas boxes from Aunt Elsie.
A T & G plane sent me, half inch.
F McDonald called with my watch, for which 2/6 was paid him.
Sabbath 25/12/1910.
A showery day. Myself and Eckie at church.
Monday 26/12/1910.
The ground white with snow. No school, this day being kept for Christmas Day.
Sorted mangle, lathe treadle. Up at H Ross’s. Hugh working at the new thrashing mill he is making. W Sutherland called with some things for the boys and a present of an electric lamp for me.
Mrs Grant and Mary Grant called; Miss Munro also at dinner with us. Maggie Mckay and her sister called at night.
Saw in Herald that 9 were killed at railway accident of Scotch Express from London to Carlisle. Express overtook 2 light engines, – mistake of signalman. Front carriages on fire, – bodies burned beyond recognition. 13 said to have perished.
Tuesday 27/12/1910.
Some snow. Attendance fair. Usual work.
Sent small parcel to Thomas Fox Irchester, for T & G plane.
Wednesday 28/12/1910.
A blowy day. Attendance fairly good. Usual school work.
Wrote J Mclean for Soup kitchen groceries.- Spiers and Pond for toys to be sent up.
Thursday 29/12/1910.
A Murray. W McCaulay and Mackay Hotel up with the Rogart Education Association book prizes.
Wrote: George Dunnett: Income tax 6/3 refund. Got 2 Pictorials from Mr Ross.
Friday 30/12/1910.
A mild day, attendance only fair.
Write: Skiff, London; re duplicator.
Do J Houldon: Iron candlestick. Copper lustre salt pot. Willow mint.
Do Singleton; Streathham: Tape measure and S M umbrella.
Do Barbe: for Boomerang on approval.
Two days ago got a letter from Mrs Millburn Uppat, with £1 for Soup Kitchen.
Anne Murray Little Rogart along.
Mrs Murray The Park came over with a present of a turkey.
Mrs Mcleod: complained re Teacher at West Langwell – 2 days absent and at times 11 before go to school.
Saturday 31/12/1910.
Thrasher corn etc. Hamie got his suit and jacket and vest from Tailor Culdrain. Paid Mr Mckay (tailor) 9/6. Being my own trouser and fitting 3/. Hamie 6/6.
On Monday last, in early morning, the Grand Hotel Brora and several shops burned to the ground. Mr Ross, proprietor of Hotel arrested and charged with fire raising.
Wrote: J Walker; offer for tools.
Do Mrs Millburn; if sent £1 by mistake and asking her for instructions.
Pictorial to Eric.
End of year 1910 page 242. Sp extracted