Summary – Robert Sutherland tells of experience at Beaumont Hammell battle, Kenny Gunn mentioned – deaths of Rev Colin Macdonald, Maggie Mackenzie Torbreck and old John Mackay the post- the war is over, peace returns on the 11th November and the world order changes – 4 pipers march to the top of Balchlaggan rock to play in celebration – Dornoch Court attendance – does well on the shooting range.
Sabbath 3 November 1918
Bella and I at church. A good day. At night we called to see Aleck Grant, who is getting on very well.
Monday 4 November 1918
Paper to A M Mckay two
Bob Murray
E Campbell Postal Order 5/~ to Messrs Davidson Gray, Chemist, 128 Nethergate, Dundee, for 4 Little Invicta Inhaler, 1/3 each. Usual school work; windy and cold.
War – Austria-Hungary has surrendered on the Allies’ conditions, so she is out of the War.
Tuesday 5 November 1918
Usual school work. Lexy Mckay Achork down with a Form for claiming pension for her son Alex Mckay, 8th Seaforths.
Wednesday 6 November 1918
Wrote to Reading re oil engine 2- horse-power
Polytechnic re envelopes not sent me etc Wrote Shaw Walker re paraffin oil
At W Mckenzie’s. Willie Mackay and Robert Sutherland Langwell called to see us. Robert home from hospital from Manchester, he being there with kidney trouble since about March or April. He was at Beaumont Hamel battle; said they went “over the top’ early in the dark; went on as best they could; muddy and sticky. Some stuck in the mud. Misty with shell-fire etc; should have swung round for the German trench, but this not done, hence thus:
German /
trench / ————
/ ————- British line advancing
British trench
Got mixed up with other troops; went into a shell-hole; looked low under mist. Saw a group advancing, joined them – Ross from Lairg there etc. So went on, and got to German line wire – got through – found Ken Gunn Rogart there and a few others. Robert’s platoon asked to go to third German line, so they went on to the second, and he alone went on to the next; and he found other 3 or 4 there. Got 30 or 40 German prisoners in a dug-out, but could not go back with them; remained there sniped at by Germans who were all about. More Germans surrendered, being flanked by Naval Division. Came back during the night, but heavy shell fire came on them, so many casualties. Out of 700 of the 1/5 Seaforths, only 92 came back safely – other 4 came in -later; others killed or wounded.
A cold, blowy day. Attendance good. Very sorry to hear of the death of Rev Colin Macdonald Rogart at Calrossie. Maggie Mckenzie Morvich buried today, and Old John Mckay the Post died today. Got cloth for suiting today for 3 suits; cost £3.
Friday 8 November 1918
George Fraser came over in the morning to say the War was at an end. A wire came to that effect, and it was in some evening papers. This news was premature. Usual school work.
Saturday 9 November 1918
A good day. At Soup Kitchen meeting. Funeral of Old John Mckay the Post. At Mr Grant’s for a while. Wrote Sergt Colin Murray.
Marshal Foch and Rear—Admiral Wymiss received the German delegates for peace. They asked immediate conditional Armistice. This refused, and Allies’ terms given to them and acceptance or refusal to be intimated within 72 hours, i.e. by about 11 am Monday next. British, French and Americans advancing and making great progress. Americans in Sedan.
Sunday 10 November 1918
Cold day; was at church. Fine reference made re death of Rev C McDonald.
Monday 11 November 1918
Wrote: Mr Mitchell
Yost Co
Willie Sutherland
J McLean: Soup Kitchen groceries
The Rector, Camerton, Bath
Bob Cnocan
J Grant
Paper Colin Murray
” AM Mckay
Along with scholars at funeral service of Rev C McDonald in the Parish Church, which was filled. 3 cars came from Calrossie.
Word came that Germany accepted Peace terms of Allies. German gunfire at an end. 4 kings abdicate on same day; republics proclaimed. Kaiser and Crown Prince abdicate.
Tuesday 12 November 1918
Wrote: Cousin Waiter-Mr Mitchell Blarich, re Soup Kitchen 2 and 3 December, and something for Cook; provide funds – substantial balance
A fine day; usual school work. At night Willie Mckay down. Played pipes; at W Mckenzie’s.
Wednesday 13 November 1918
Fine day.
With flags and four pipers, viz: W Mckay, Willie Fraser, James McDonald and myself, marched with scholars to top of Balchlaggih. Played there, then by Culdrain, round Splockhill. Then allowed scholars home. Got £1/-/- N McCorquodale for Soup Kitchen.
Thursday 14 November 1918
Wrote: Sergt Major A Sutherland
Mrs Elliot, acknowledging 10/-
N McCorquodale, acknowledging £1
A N Macaulay: £2/2/-
1/-/- £3/12/- for Soup Kitchen
Postal Order: 10/-
T Ellis A fine day; attendance good.
Friday 15 November 1918
A fine day; attendance very good.
Colin Murray’s mother called to show German letters and photos etc, which Colin took from German prisoners. Wrote: Hirst re glasses
William Eric Campbell
Saturday 16 November1918
Wrote: Colin Murray
Bazaar, re German souvenirs
Lifted turnips, and took them up with Mr J Ross’s horse. A fine day.
Sabbath 17 November 1918
A mild day. Hamish. Agnes and I at church. An elderly minister, Mr Mclntosh – about Nairn – preached very well.
Monday 18 November 1918
Wrote: McCrone
Dr Cathels 10/-
A N Macaulay: cheque £38/6/-
Mr Mitchell, re Cook’s wages
Bob Mckay
Eric Campbell
A fine day. Attendance good; usual school work. At night at W Matheson’s.
Tuesday 19 November 1918
2 French songs sung at Lille when Alick M Mckenzie there
At Dornoch at Jury Court, as a juryman, but not ballotted; about drowning of Golspie and Skerra fishermen. Adam Murray, George Murray Achailleach, Alex Murray Davoch, Philip Campbell and 1 down. At Dornooh Academy, and saw through. Daisy Rae and Cathie Pirie there. Had tea
Got 10/- for Soup Kitchen from Alex M Mckay.
Wednesday 20 November 1918
A fine day; usual school work.
Thursday 21 November 1918
A fine day. Attendance etc as usual. At night down with H Ross and took up the van. Had tea at Mr Ross’s. Wrote Eric.
Friday 22 November 1918
Wrote Cunningham re spoons etc.
At Pittentrail to take up H Ross’s van.
Saturday 23 November 1918
A mild day; mended boots. Put up blind. Up at R Matheson’s Shoemaker, and paid 9d for Hamish: heelplates etc. At W Mckenzie and W Murray, to tell I had today a letter from Bill Murray, who did not write home since 5 weeks, and they were anxious. So they were very pleased to know that he was well, and that his letter was dated November 13 (2 days-after Peace proclaimed).
Sabbath 24 November 1918
Very mild. All of us at church. Mr Macmilian preached a very good and appropriate sermon on the Victory obtained.
Monday 25 November 1918
Got Bazaar first time (last Friday) for this term
Wrote: Uncle Eric
A N Macaulay
Hurcomb: spectacles case
Middleton, re War Cs
Employment Exchange, for discharge cards
John Mckenzie, France
B G May, George Street, Birmingham: pen and battery: Postal
Order 4/9
John Murray, Rutherglen
Shaw Walker, re Postal Order 6/- and returned cask Paper: Eric
AM Mckay
J Mckensie A good mild day. Attendance etc as usual.
Tuesday 26 November 1918
Dull day; some rain. Attendance good; usual school work.
Wednesday 27 November 1918
A good day; usual school work. Got 10/- Mrs Ure for Soup Kitchen
£1 Mr W P Clyde, 21 Broadway, New York
Thursday 28 November 1918
Wrote: Lt Willie Sutherland, France
W P Clyde
Mrs Ure
Usual school work. Dull day, but mild.
Friday 29 November 1918
Wrote H Reid, with card re military release for Eric
Wrote Labour Exchange, Inverness
Saturday 30 November 1918
A mild day. Sorted the playground fence, by tightening wires etc. At Range with Volunteers; fired 5 rounds at 500 yards, and did well; also 5 rounds at 200; got 2 bulls etc, and was the best score there. George Ross Cnocan down for a ceilidh.
End Nov 1918